In the first column the callsigns of the neighbor nodes are shown. Second column shows
the SSID ranges of these stations (default: 0-15). In the third column you read the round
trip time to the neighbor in 100 ms -steps. No number here means that the round trip time
is not calculated. Three hyphens mean that the link is not available at the moment. Three
hyphens within brackets mean that the link is not available but the autorouter is aware of
another way to the station. If there is only one number in the column, the link partner
does not know about the FlexNet protocol, or the internode QSO could not be established.
When the sysop knows that the neighbor does not know the FlexNet protocol, he may set the
attribute "@" to the link. Then only the link is tested, not if the partner
knows the protocol. If the round trip time is surrounded by brackets, the link is so bad
that it is not made known to the network. If there are two numbers, separated by a
diagonal stroke, the neighbor is a FlexNet node. In this case the round trip times of both
directions are shown. If these values are within brackets, the autorouter knows a better
way to the destination, i.e. the direct link is not used. The 4th column shows either the
port number of the link to the neighbor (on direct links) or the stations via which the
neighbor is reachable. A hyphen behind the port number means that the link is not made
known to the network. This may be used for temporary links or software tests for example.
Change Links settings
Syntax: L <ch|CALL|-> <CALL> [#|$|-|@|>|)|!] <CR>
L <ch> <call> route <call> to <ch>
L <viacall> <call> route <call> via <viacall>
L - <call> delete link <call>
The LINK-Command is used to set up interlinks. Two parameters are
needed, a 3rd one is optional. Callsigns may be written either as upper- or lowercase.
| 1st parameter: port: set up direct interlink on this port callsign: set up interlink via
that callsign, i.e. the destination is reachable via a neighbor already specified. - : the
minus sign deletes the link entry |
| 2nd parameter: Here the callsign of the link partner is given. If no SSIDs are
specified, 0-15 are assumed. When only the SSID 0 is to be linked, -0 has to be added to
the callsign. |
| 3rd parameter: options
| "#" link is not shown to the users, thus hidden links, for example for service
reasons, are possible . |
| "$" link is not checked for availability and not made known to the network. |
| "@" no internode communication on this link , but may be used, if the partner
is not aware of the FlexNet protocol (i.e. mailboxes) |
| "-" partner is not made known to the network. This makes emergency- or
testlinks possible. Internode communication takes place, thus destinations are routed,
only the partner stays hidden. |
| ">" Subnet-Link. This is used to set up subnets, which will receive all
information from the network, but are not made known to the network. The partner callsign
and the destinations from it are saved for routing reasons, but not sent to the other
network nodes. |
| ")" Works like ">", but the link is hidden (">" +
"#") |
| "!" no forwarding of Subnet destinations: Same like ">", but the
difference is that the "gateway" node is made known to the network. |
It is possible to have more than one link to the partner on different
ports. The router will always use the best link available. You should remember this if
changes are made. The old entry may still be valid under circumstances. It is also
possible to link partners with the same callsign, or a callsign covered by the SSID range
of the node. This is interesting for mailboxes, service computers, DX clusters and similar
systems. Using this feature, only the node is forwarded to the network and not every
single SSID of the different computers. This helps keeping the D-list in the network
Note: A maximum of 20 links may be entered. The sysop will get an
error message "Can't Link" when attempting to add the 21st link.
L 1 DB0AIS-8 @ (Mailbox)
L 2 DB0AIS-9 @ (Cluster)
L 3 DB0AIS-10 @ (TCP/IP)
Only DB0AIS 0-10 is known to the network. If there is a connect request
to DB0AIS-8, it is sent out on port 1 to the BBS. The links are not tested as usually. If
the link is not available, the user gets connected to the node itself. Here, the user
should get to know what is wrong, perhaps by the C-text. This routing method works on user
ports, too. In our example, if DB0AIS would have a user port, the node may be connected as
DB0AIS or as DB0AIS-3, and the BBS DB0AIS may be directly connected without digipeaters.
More examples:
All frames to DB0KT will be sent on port 3
On port 1, 2 link partners are reachable, so the setup has both calls on port 1.
There is a principle which says that if no SSIDs are specified
behind the link callsign, all SSIDs are routed via this port. But when a SSID is
specified, only the SSID is routed. Example:
All frames route to DB0KT, i.e. also the frames to DB0KT-1, DB0KT-2 are routed to port 1.
L 1 DB0KT-7
Only the frames to DB0KT-7 are sent to port 1. Other SSIDs are routed by the D-List,
when no other links to DB0KT are specified. On FlexNet partners the SSID-Range is
automatically adapted.
To remove an entry from the link list, a "-" is given instead
of the port number as the first parameter.
DB0ODW has the links
1: DB0KT 2: DB0EAD 3: DB0IE "L - DB0KT" deletes the routing entry for DB0KT. If
there is more than one link to the partner, the command has to be given several times to
delete every entry. Always only the first entry is removed from the table. Links to
NET/ROM partners should be set up as shown in the appendix.