Find a user station
Syntax: F call <CR>
With the FIND command it is possible to look for a station which is
standby on this or another node. When the F-Command and the callsign are entered, the digi
sends UI-frames with the POLL-bit set to this station via some neighbor nodes. Source
callsign is the callsign of the OM who issued the FIND command. If the called station
hears the frame, it will answer with a DM- Frame. The node analyses all frames coming back
and is able to determine if this was an answer of the FIND command. If this is the case,
you will get a message via which node the station was found. If the called station is
already connected to the node, no special frame is sent and the user will get the message
that the user is QRV on the digi.
=>F DK7WJ <CR>
*** DK7WJ found via DB0ODW
Only the node via which the called station was found is put out. It
will be known to the autorouter. If the station was not found, a system prompt
"=>" appears again. Since the used UI and DM frames may get lost, it is
advisable to use the FIND command more than only once to be sure the user is not QRV. Due
to the protocol, the SSID of the called station must be known.