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First ideas for the software came back in 1987, and the first version was developed in 1988. First tests were run at home and later at the digipeater DB0ODW in Odenwald, Germany. This digi was equipped with a complete 6809-development system and made it possible to test new versions by uploading them. In 1989 the work on the RMNC version began. The RMNC (Rhein-Main-Network-Controller) was developed by the PR-Group of Frankfurt (RMPRG) and offered an optimal platform for FlexNet. Since 1991 a version for MS-DOS-Computers has existed, but it has been used only internally and never been distributed. However, after a growing demand for such a PC/FlexNet, in 1994 a new modular driver concept was developed in cooperation with DL8MBT, the author of the BAYCOM software. This makes PC/Flexnet usable for almost everybody. PC/FlexNet is freely configurable and may be used with any I/O-modules. It also offers an application interface for high level applications, such as terminal emulations. Development kits for this interface and the IO-drivers are available. PC/Flexnet is usable also for end-users which do not need a whole node. Users are offered by this an AX25-driver with the advantages of FlexNet, like the very easy parameter setting and the modular driver concept. It runs with almost every terminal program which supports the WA8DED Hostmode.(See File TFEMU.DOC for details) In this case, FLEXDIGI.EXE is not loaded, and therefore no work needs to be wasted in setting it up.

At this point we wish to thank everyone who helped us in developing the software. Our special thanks to all the sysops, who patiently tested the software again and again to get it stable. The goal of FlexNet was and is to develop a robust and easy-to-maintain node software, which should annoy sysops and users as little as possible.


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RMNC/FlexNet, PC/FlexNet and the accompanying utilities and
documentation are a product of Gunter Jost, DK7WJ.  See copyright document!