Dana J's 2nd bench
Taddbench 005
Spring 1988 -> present
This was the fifth bench of the Taddbench series and was built at the same time as 2
others. This bench added a spine back to the center vertical to offer support for a brace
under the radio-shelf. In addition, this bench was constructed using sheetrock screws to
hold the corner braces onto the 2x4s. The bench was constructed at Tadd's house in Nashua
New Hampshire by Dana, John and Tadd. Dana drove the bench 180 miles to home in his
mid-sized station wagon. |

- Spring 88 |
- Spring 88 |
The bench was used in Dana's office for several years and finally ended up at home
where it sits in the same room as Taddbench 001 and is similarly decked out in 'stuff' |

bench5_loaded - December 95 |