Bench 001 CXhosted.gif (1517 bytes)


Dana J's 1st bench, new

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Taddbench 001
December 1987 -> present

Bench history, pictorial

This was the first of the Taddbench series.
The Taddbench design had three shelves, a main work surface, 8' wide and 3' deep, a radio-shelf, 1' deep, mounted above the work surface, and a 2' deep shelf for computers and with a flourescent light tube mounted just inside the front edge. The radio shelf has a 2x4 in the front edge that keeps the particle board from bending, and is great for mounting mobile radios under. Later benches had a 1' deep shelf under the work-surface, and a 1' deep shelf above the 2' deep shelf.
I built the first Taddbench at my house (Tadd here, typing) and after finishing it had discussed with Dana about some radio project or another. He said that he had to clear out some space on his existing table to make room to work on the radio. I thought that it was hideous that such a talent as Dana's was wasted through lack of work space. So.. I figured I'd make Dana a bench. Building a 2nd shouldn't be as tedious as building the first. Only problem was that I didn't have the space to build another without taking this one apart. So... I figured I'd just deliver this one to Dana and start over.

DANA_BENCH_NEW_1_TINY.JPG (11004 bytes)

dana_bench_new_1_tiny.jpg - December 87

This photo is Dana sitting on the bench at his house after we put it together. It took about 20 minutes from the time we started unloading the car until we had it together in his radio room. It took about 3 hours to remove enough stuff from his radio room before we could start unloading the car!

BENCH_1_LOADED.JPG (28612 bytes)

bench_1_loaded - Jan 1996

Construction notes

After Dana had been using this bench for a while we made some modifications. The radio-shelf was not working out. It was coming apart. To fix this we added blocks to hold the 2x4 in the leading edge of the self to the 2x4s which make up the left and right edge. We also added a brace to hold up the middle of the shelf. This fixed the problems we were having.

This bench is very heavily loaded. Dana has, once again, filled up his available surface and again has to spend lots of time to find a space to work on.

As a project, Dana would like to create a "where's Waldo" game with pictures of his benches.
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