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Construction of a Taddbench

The bench requires
19 2x4x8', kiln dried pine
6 2x6x8', kiln dried pine
2 2x3x8', kiln dried pine
2 4'x8' sheets of 5/8" particle board
3 pounds of 2+3/4" deck screws
3 pounds of 1+1/4" deck screws
I recommend getting extra wood just to make sure that you have non-warped and non-stained pieces.
Your first job is to cut the particle board. If you can get it pre-cut by the lumber yard I would recommend it.
Cut the particle board to create a 3'x8' piece, a 2'x8' piece and a 1'x8' piece and two scrap pieces, each nearly 1' wide by 8' long. The scrap must be in good shape as the top and bottom shelves are built out of it. You should be left with 5 pieces.