Torborg house in Orlando, updated 7/27/2003
This page has the floor plans and photos of our house and of other houses of the same
model in order to show what the house will look like when completed.
July 27, 2003 27july_neighbor_8769.jpg
Walking onto the golf course, I shot this photo from just across the pond.
Notice that we have rail on the balcony now. More on that below.
July 27, 2003 27july_neighb_8788.jpg
Zooming back. The neighborhood looks very green.
Click to enlarge
July 27, 2003 27july_neighbor_8761.jpg
Walking back toward the entrance of Stewart's Cove.
Click to enlarge
We have a driveway made up of brick pavers.
Floor Plan
This is the floor plan of our house. There are several errors
that I know of in this drawing. The garage has
two windows facing front. The front upstairs bedroom has a window
facing front. The upstairs of the foyer has
a window facing front that is aligned directly above the front-doors
below. It isn't squared off as shown in the plan. The upstairs left
bedrooms are almost identical in size.
The house has 5 bedrooms. The upstairs front left bedroom will be Jack's. The upstairs left rear will be Laura's.
The upstairs middle will be the junk/computer/work room. The downstairs room will be the guest room.
Down Stairs
Here are two photos of the front right of the house. Left is looking at the living room from the foyer.
Right is looking into the kitchen door from the dining room. Our house will not come with crown molding, chair
rails or decorative inlays. We'll have to add them if we like. The light fixtures and paint are all different too.
From the dining room looking into the living room.
Here are five pictures of the foyer. The front doors we're getting are solid 6 panel.
more photos of the foyer in the 'upstairs' section.
Here is a photo from within the guest bedroom looking towards the front of the house. The left door opens to the front
hall. You can see the left into the foyer, the left into the laundry room, and finally the garage. The right door
passes into the guest bathroom. The man in the picture is Jay who is an agent representing the developer.
This is the rear inside of the house showing the family room and kitchen.
Our kitchen has white corian including full backsplash. The left photo shows cabinets like ours.
The little desk is to the right of the island around the corner.
These two pictures show our house in early July looking right and left across the kitchen
and family room.
See also the foyer photos upstairs
Here is a photo in the Brighton at lot#32 showing the foyer from in the master
bedroom. Across the foyer you can see Jack's closet(middle/left) and bedroom (right).
Metal studs are upstairs for interior walls. Doors are framed with wood. Downstairs
is constructed using wood 2x4s for interior walls.
This is the foyer of our house somewhat further along shot from downstairs looking toward the front.
It's really hard to capture the shape of the foyer on camera since it is not all that large a space.
A fisheye lens might work.
Here is another attempt shot from upstairs near the bathroom door.
Laura's bedroom
These photos are of the back-left bedroom.
I shot the first photo from outside the back of a house that had a full
balcony and sliding door in this room. The photo is looking into
the room. You can see Laura's closet on the right, the air conditioner
pedistal in the middle, and the door to the hall on the left.
The white item in the foreground is actually to keep you from falling out
the slider's hole before the balcony is finished.
Here are photos of the master bedroom and master bath.
The first two are of the front of the master bedroom taken from the back.
The left photo is of the model house's bedroom. The other three
are of the master bath of the model.
This pic is of the model's master bathroom taken from inside the bedroom.
This is the upstairs hallway bathroom. The third photo is taken from laura's room looking right.
This is a photo from Laura's back left bedroom, looking forward into the closet and Jack's bedroom.
Note the air conditioner shelf on the left.
Back Of House
Here are some photos of a the back of 2 Brighton houses, one with a pool cover and one without.
Both have the half back balcony that we'll be getting. The balcony is behind the master bedroom.
Initially we will not be buying a pool and screen cover.