Keep the language clean! That includes messages and user names!
The server is located in Orlando Florida.
The server is running on a MacOSX G5 in Orlando Florida via Adelphia cable modem.
I wrote the world map using a text editor over a period of 8 weeks before Sept 19, 2004
when the server was first listed publicly. Since then it
has seen modification after observation of real users and with user suggestion. I may
be found running a tank around my world in the evening, usually for a couple of hours
between 6pm and midnight. I usually also leave an observer on the server and can
read some of the comments that go by after the fact.
The server was designed with the notion that people will run ROBOTs as well as
regular tanks. The robots are not as smart as humans. I provided a system of
traps that will lure the robots into a 6 story 'trap condo'. There are two levels
of shooting gallery where human operated tanks can shoot at tanks stuck in the trap condo.

Click to enlarge
The map is 400 units x 400 units - a standard BZFS map.
The map is broken up into two regions by an east-west wall called "barrier wall". The regions
are the "north zone" and the "big field"
The north zone has 2 rooms, the "high platform feeder", seen at the back right of the picture,
and the "basement and roof".
The high-platform-feeder-room is a closed box with only a teleporter for an exit. The teleport
is one way and leads to the high platform 100 units above the big field.
The basement and roof are designed as a trap for robots. Humans can jump their tanks through
the gap in the ceiling onto the roof and then make their way into the big field via the
monorail. Robots will tend to wonder through the big teleporter that runs the length
of the basement. They will end up in the condo trap. Humans should avoid the condo trap
unless there are no tanks in the shooting gallery.
Trap Condo

The trap condo has 6 floors. The teleporters running along the ground level feed the six
different teleporters on the 6 floors. These teleporters are all one-way into the
trap condo. To escape the condo you must jump over the tiny ridge in the floor and drop
to the big field. Watch out for the teleporters along the ground though else you'll end
up back in the trap condo. While in the trap you may be shot at from the shooting galleries
that face the condo.

The bridge is the place to go to connect into the shooting galleries. This is also where
the monorail passes through the barrier wall. To get onto the bridge from the big field you
can enter via two small teleporters located on the big field, or you can jump up via the
stairs provided.
The angled teleporter visible on the right is the in-bound teleporter. It is one way to
the bridge. The two teleporters on the left go to the two levels of the shooting gallery.
The left one goes to the top floor and the right one goes to the bottom floor. The monorail
also leads to the bottom floor of the shooting gallery.
Other clues and info
- Almost all flags are guided missiles - the rest are lasers.
- Many teleporters are obstacles that if not avoided will trap your tank - try to avoid those that are
at ground level and are unusually wide.
- None of the floating or raised teleporters are out-bound.
- The monorail track is not decorative. Use it to escape from the north zone and
as a platform to shoot at tanks that haven't figured out how useful the guided missiles are.
- There is a platform high above the big field that can only be accessed from the box in
the west corner of the north zone. You can only get there if you spawn (enter the game) there.
- Administrator privileges are not available
Keep the language clean! That includes messages and user names!