The southern quarter of the map is taken up by a two level room called The Gallery. The lower
level is called G1 and the upper level, G2.
The gallery is a great place to shoot from. It can target about half
of the Big Field, and is the perfect place to shoot to the trap. There are three levels.
Reach all levels from the bridge and from other places. Get to the bridge from
the small green teleports in Big Field (and from other places).
The eastern level, is more secure. Any place on G2 can be targetted from east.
Eastern G2 can be targetted from East. East can be targetted from the laser platform in the extreme west of the big field.
The roof of East is deadly.
G2 has two teleports inbound and no outbounds. You must jump to the field or to G1 to exit.
G1 has four teleports outbound, one inbound, and also can be reached from the underground.
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