After driving around south of 101A I came back onto 101A at Wal-Mart.
This intersection is also where the Mobile station is and Quikava (a drive up
coffee shop). |

Taking a left I headed back out on to Rt 101A west bound.
Immediately on the left is an office park, a private kindergarden, and Chang Mai, my
favorite Thai restaraunt. |

On the right are a couple of commerical and industrial facilities. |

On the right are a couple of commerical and industrial facilities. |

After the Thai restaurant the Boston and Maine railroad is running
immediately next to Rt 101A. There are no more buildings on the left. On the
right there are a few more buildings that I have yet to look at. On this particular
tour I took a left to run parallel to 101A on a service road. This road starts with
a business park and eventually runs into a residential area, finally ending on Rt 122 just
south of 101A. |

I headed north on Rt 122 up to the crossing with 101A. On both
sides of Rt 122 for several hundred feet south of 101A are many small businesses.
Just at the intersection on the south west corner is another business park with banks,
doctors offices and etc.. |
North of the Rt 122 and Rt 101A intersection on the right is a Lumber
yard from which I buy wood to build my workbenches.

and Trains |