Bench 010
Bench 010 CXhosted.gif (1517 bytes)


Clarkson University ARC (K2CC)

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Taddbench 010
Feb 1991 -> present

P002975_tadd_w_91_bench.jpg - taken Feb 1991 by Matt P.

This is Tadd drinking a Diet Coke standing in front of a just completed bench. This bench was the first of a set of 3 that were constructed assembly line style in the ballroom of a rented house in Colton NY by Matt P, John S, and Tadd.
This bench started out as John S's bench. When he graduated Clarkson he left it behind. It was donated to K2CC (Clarkson U. Amateur Radio Club) and still resides in the basement of Moore House covered with radios, tools, and stuff.

This bench has a notation on it (read Oct 97) that says :

TaddBench SN010
by N2MGI
and KA2DEW
delivered to K2CC
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