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Hams & Links
last updated
23 Jan 2001

[email protected]


Hams I know

WB2DWD, Bob Seastream, in Manchester NH, and I have known each other since High School.
KA2DST, Jim Clark, in Vermont, and I have known each other since 1978

Clarkson College (the first time)

N1TLT, Dana Groff, in Gaithersburg MD area was one of my friends at Clarkson


WA2TVE, Howie Cohen, in Utica NY introduced me to "E..B..B..B"
N2DS, Dave Schmarder, near Albany, and I ran into each other many times since 1982
WA2WNI, Dana JonasI, near Albany, and I have worked on many excellent projects together.

from when I was in NJ and PA

NX2P, Bill Slack, in Sparta NJ and I worked on packet radio projects.  Bill's page has the best comet pictures I've ever seen taken without a telescope.
WA3FLE, Roger Stevens, in southeast PA is on 75M AM, and is into glassFETs, with pointers to lots of audio manufacturers. He also has some excellent stories about survival of a major surgery.

after I moved to NH

KA1CRN, Larry Artz, in Nashua NH, and I were part of a 3-person repeater operation soon after I moved to NH
K1TR, Ed Parsons, in Windham NH does VHF/UHF weak signal and hosts a node that I am part owner of.
KA2EYP, Kevin Bonnet, in Arizona, was a neighbor when I lived in Milford NH
NQ1C, Bob Lafleur, in western MA does music and photography
WD1V, John, in MA, has pointers to all sorts of good Mac stuff.

back to Clarkson

VE2DM, Dino Moriello, in Montreal demonstrates Netscape features and has links to LOTS of good Amateur Radio Stuff
N8UR, John Ackermann,   (ex-AG9V), in Dayton, is on top of many current issues in ham radio. We met through discussing packet networking issues.

Seattle WA for one year

N7FSP, Scott Cronk, was one of the packeteers that I built nodes with.

in NYmetro for four years

WA2IKL, Richard Factor, in Northern NJ is into ham radio HF Dxing having worked all but a few countries and is president of SETILeague.
KE2RC, Gerry Fleming, got me into photography
KB7UV, Andy Funk , is now in the Atlanta GA area
KB2BLX, Ted Wolf, in Northern NJ, has links to lots of ham stuff
N2QAE, Don MacCleay, in Northern NJ, works for the same company I do.  
KD6LIA, Dan Overholt, at MIT, is the best violinist I've ever heard
KB2VXR - Herb Chong, in south east NY does lots of pictures/graphics and etc..
N2NSA - John Romano, in the Bronx NY operates a multiport FlexNet node.
N2MEG - Pablo Feliciano, and N2NSA and I did some node projects when I was in the area.

back to NH (1996)

N1SFE, Paul, ham radio page. Paul also does broadcasting and astronomy
WB9MUP Kevin Keller   does direction finding and has a BIG list of ham web pages
N1DNU, Barry works at HRO and has good pics and info on new amateur radio gear
WW1Y, Jim Heedles, in Amherst NH, is the editor of NARC's on-line newsletter and information
KB2ZAW, Chris Ferguson in way upstate NY AKA Modeler Man
Bill, K9AT & Larry, WB9LOZ  have all sorts of good packet radio stuff including a general packet radio tutorial on line.
K2MF, Barry, is in Wayne NJ.   Barry writes and maintains MFNOS.
DF4OR, Ekki Plicht, is in Eppertshausen, Germany.  Ekki writes software for packet radio and other amateur radio pursuits

Ham Radio Sites

Our local ham radio community includes NARC which is the Nashua Area Radio Club. Check here for links leading to VE exams and other community events.
Links to web pages for ALL THE HAMS
New Hampshire ARRL Field Organization
Buckmaster and QRZ Amateur Radio Callbooks
Ham Radio Outlet has pages that link to most of the good stuff
KE4ARM has lots of stuff for people wanting to learn about various parts of the hobby, including latest licensing information
ARTSCI Publishing has on-line ham radio info including a repeater directory
OH2BUA, Jukka Salomaa has created a DxCluster over the WWW. He also has links to resources in Finland.
Misc Ham Sites has links to lots of amateur radio operators' home pages
John, WD1V has pointers to all sorts of good Mac ham radio stuff.
W2SZ is the RPI radio club. I spent some time with their VHF/UHF contest efforts.
Pete Brunelli, N1QDO does mobile HF and runs the ICRC (hartford CT) radio club's page
WB2IXR Repeater Page was for our local repeater group in NY
WA7RHK, John's Galaxy has links to many ham radio resources
AMSAT will give you an alias/forward location for free. You just have to be a ham. Click on AMSAT's Electronic Mailing Lists to do this.
K3TKJ gives free space on his server www.qsl.net. He offers free space for web sites, FTP, mail distribution lists, and an e-mail repeater to any licensed ham.